A Closer Look at Dental Checkups
Regular dental checkups near San Jose are necessary to your continued dental and oral health. These are routine checkups, where your dentist or hygienist will examine your teeth and gums for any signs of cavities or gum disease. Watch the video and continue reading to see the other common procedures performed during a dental checkup.
During your dental checkup, your dentist will discuss any concerns or changes in routine or medications that might affect your mouth. You may require a new set of X-rays to determine if there are any cavities or defects in your mouth and jaw. These X-rays, along with a comprehensive exam and teeth cleaning, will inform your dentist of any problems or concerns that might affect your oral health. Your dentist will also examine your mouth, jaw, and throat for signs of oral cancer or other concerns. Dental checkups should be scheduled for every six months to one year.