Different Treatments for Gum Disease
If you are dealing with gum disease near San Jose, there are a number of treatment options available. Gum disease, or periodontal disease, is painful and can have negative health effects, so it is important to receive care for your gums and teeth if you experience this condition. Read on to learn about the treatment options available for gum disease.
Treatment for Gingivitis
Gingivitis is the earliest stage of gum disease and can easily be reversed with regular flossing and brushing. By developing good dental hygiene habits, you can prevent plaque from irritating the gums and causing this early stage of gum disease to develop. One of the best ways to manage and eliminate gingivitis is to schedule regular trips to the dentist for professional teeth cleanings. If you are diagnosed with gingivitis, your dentist may recommend more frequent visits to treat the condition and prevent it from returning.
Treatment for Periodontitis
If gingivitis goes untreated, the infection can spread below the gum line and begin to damage the bones and tissues that support the teeth. Pockets and spaces in the gums may form, trapping food and plaque under the surface. Periodontitis is treatable with a procedure known as scaling and planing. Scaling is a deep cleaning procedure that involves scraping away all tartar from under the gums. Any rough spots on the tooth roots are smoothed away, or planed, which provides a clean surface where the gums can reattach.
Treatment for Advanced Periodontitis
If gum disease continues to progress, it may be classified as advanced periodontitis and require surgical treatment. At this stage, the damage to the gums and supportive tissues is severe and can leave the roots of a tooth exposed. Flap surgery is a common treatment, during which a dentist lifts the gums back, cleans out the built-up plaque, and then fits the gums snugly back over the tooth. Grafts can repair bones or tissues by patching damaged areas with real or synthetic donor material, which also encourages regeneration. Guided tissue regeneration is another treatment option for repairing damaged gum, while bone surgery can be used to correct bone loss. If any teeth are lost due to advanced periodontitis, dental implants may be used to replace them. In most cases, if gum disease is treated early on, there will be no need for surgical treatment.