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Proper dental care in San Jose keeps your teeth bright and your gums healthy, and part of your care is knowing how to deal with an oral health condition.Knowing the symptoms of gum disease and the way it progresses will give you an idea of what to look for, and knowing the risk factors tells you what you should avoid. If you do suspect that you have gum disease, you can seek dental services before the problem gets too severe. Continue reading for more on dealing with gum disease before it leads to tooth loss.

Educate Yourself

Being familiar with the symptoms of gum disease helps you prevent the condition from getting worse. Gum disease starts off as gingivitis, but it can progress into periodontal disease. You should know what the symptoms are so they’ll raise a red flag if you notice them in your own mouth. When plaque builds up on your teeth and eventually reaches above or below the gum line, your gums may turn red and appear inflamed. As the disease progresses, you might notice bleeding or recession of the gums, which could ultimately lead to tooth loss.

Reduce Your Risk

Now that you know which symptoms to look for, the next step is to make yourself less susceptible to gum disease by getting rid of risk factors. Smoking is one of the big ones. Smokers have a greater risk of gum disease, as will those who use any kind of tobacco product, including e-cigarettes. Some medications also slow down saliva production, which can lead to dry mouth. Your mouth needs saliva to wash out food debris and bacteria, so talk to your doctor about switching medications or your dentist about managing dry mouth.

Treat the Problem

If you catch it in time, gum disease is treatable. As soon as you notice early symptoms, go to the dental clinic before they get worse. Your dentist can offer deep cleaning treatments like scaling and root planing, as well as medication to treat your symptoms. You can also practice better dental hygiene and see your dentist more frequently.